Whoa, right? Exactly what's going on in the title? Sounds like a philosophy and cooking show casserole with a little romance for garnish. That's how I roll, which is why this makes me smile:
Here are a few online thingies I've been enjoying lately:
This brave lady tackled a subject that few people dare touch. I read her post "My-husband-is-not-my-soul-mate" and enjoyed it hugely. She makes the claim that there is not necessarily a Mr. Right for you. We've been taught that all of our lives but there could be a bunch of different spouse options that could work. God, in His foreknowledge, knows who it will be, if you get married, but He didn't create someone especially for you; He created a number that could work. It's radical, but I like it in some ways. It explains a little why, in our culture, divorce is so accepted. With our push for finding Mr/Mrs. Right, and finding the Perfect One, it becomes a hit or miss situation where if you happen to marry the wrong one, the quest can continue for the perfect one. We value Perfection over Commitment and hearts get trampled in the process. I can't say I agree with everything she says, but she makes an interesting point. Her blog went from almost obscurity to over 1,400 comments on that post alone. Go read it and come back and tell me what you think!
And now let me tell you about the beauty that is Thai Peanut Chicken. I just finished a big, yummy plateful. I developed a taste for savory peanut dishes when my aunt Lois made us Peanut Chicken wraps. I was dubious, at first, because PEANUT BUTTER? In SAVORY dishes? do dosh net the ross kumma havva epp epp! (Kelly's homemade mangled Pa. dutch phrase that she created to mean "You've got to be kidding!) However, I humbly confess my narrow-mindedness and I now crave it.
So today I made some peanut chicken to eat over rice and I am a very happy woman.
Basically you mix small amounts of peanut butter, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic powder and sugar together, marinate it with some chicken pieces, simmer it with broccoli and carrots, and eat it over rice. I can't give measurements cause I'm a stir and dump cook. I tweak and add as I go along. But do try this, your taste buds will thank you!
(if you want a recipe: this recipe gave me some inspiration for the dish I created)
And one final thing that I'm enjoying:
A lecture by one of my favorite apologists, Michael Ramsden. If you have a heart for reaching out to our culture in meaningful ways, and trying to understand them and their questions, you will enjoy this lecture. He's funny, has the beautiful British accent, and auctions off a question in this talk. I want to finish the second part tonight but I can certainly recommend the first.
So that is what marriage, peanut chicken and Michael Ramsden have in common. They all occupy spots in my brain simultaneously :)